Use Cases
Data Strategy to Execution
You’re a maturing startup generating sufficient data that can add value to your products, services and decision making. You need a strategy for data, analytics and AI. A Fractional Data Officer from FDO can guide your development of a data strategy from ideation to execution.
AI Pipelines
Your business has time consuming manual and repeating business process that take a lot of human labor. FDO’s Fractional AI team can help with piloting automation leveraging the best of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and AI to automate these process and free up with teams time for higher value work.
Governance and Compliance
Your business is growing and your legal team has put compliance and governance on your radar. FDO can help with fractional Data Officers and a fractional Data Governance team to develop policies, processes and controls for your business to be compliant and governed.
Data Platform
You’re a mature startup or an established company and realize you have a ton of data but are not getting much value from it. Finding and hiring a full stack data team can be very expensive and further it may not be needed. FDO can help get the value chain rolling with a free workshop to identify, prioritize and build out value streams with factional data teams whose composition changes as the project executes, from analysis to data platform build out and data engineering to DataOp, FinOps and a light weight managed services team.
Modernize for AI
You have a data platform, but it’s gotten dated and has not evolved to take advantage of modern tools and technologies like Cloud, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, ELT, Lake Houses, Reverse ETL’s, Metric Layers, Notebooks, Collaborative development, Copiloted Development etc. FDO can help with strategies to modernize and bring in Fractional Data and AI teams to execute and deploy a modern stack to keep your competitive edge.
AI Strategy to Execution
You’ve heard all the hype about AI and tried out ChatGPT and Bard, but are not sure how to best leverage these technologies for your business. FDO’s Fractional AI services can help you navigate this fast changing landscape from strategies, prioritization and executing proof-of-value projects to help you and your team explore these technologies, learn and operationalize.
Blockchain and Tokenization
You’re an Entrepreneur or Intrapreneur and would like to explore innovative ways of sharing data using blockchain technologies and exchanging value using digital tokens. FDO can help take ideas to experiments, learning and implementations.
Platforms and Tools
The number of vendors and tools in the Data and AI space continues to grow rapidly with many innovations, but it can be challenging and overwhelming to evaluate and select the best platforms and tools for your needs. We can help you cut through the noise with selection and proof-of-values implementations.
Managed Data and AI Services
When you have a data platform and data and AI pipelines, FDO can bring in a super efficient fractional team with the just the right skills for light weight and cost effective management and monitoring, include DataOps, AIOps and FinOps.